After leaving my ‘proper job’ this summer and preparing to travel abroad as part of my year’s leave, I decided to honour my value of music and creativity and treat myself to a beautiful guitar. After some fast learning about what guitars would be best for my situation, I decided upon a rather expensive but very beautiful guitar – it seemed that this guitar would not only be perfect for travelling but that I would never want for another when/if i stayed in a place for a long time, as this guitar is just a beauty!
After putting my hands on it, I found that to be true and quickly fell in love with it – I bought it with a child-like excitement and quickly became obsessed with it!
I called this beloved guitar Angel and treated it like I would my own child!
After some European adventures with Angel, I was then packing eagerly for my upcoming trip to India. I was playing Angel and started telling my close friend the following things:
“You know what, i’m not going to share this guitar with anybody”
“I’m definitely not going to take this guitar to the beach”
“I think I might just keep this guitar in my room”
You get the flavour! And you know what, this flavour is SO NOT ME! I was listening to myself saying these things; and I was shocked, thinking:
1. I am not the type of person to NOT share my things with others and
2. Guitars are for sharing! They are an instrument for groups and enjoying by all!
So as I continue to play, bemused by my comments of how I am not going to be sharing with guitar with anyone, I feel something starting to scratch my arm. I look down and to my absolute horror, I see that the whole front face of my guitar is TOTALLY SMASHED IN! I couldn’t believe my bloody eyes! This was 2 nights before I was due to fly to India!
Initially, I couldn’t speak for shock! I realised what had happened – the suitcase that I’d put high up in my campervan had fallen on my luggage when I had driven off and unbeknownst to me, had smashed the guitar in. However, very amazingly, I quickly started to get my head around what had happened and began to actually sigh with relief – no more did i have to go around with this super precious guitar that i would let nobody touch! I was free to get a cheap and cheerful guitar which i could enjoy and share and not spend my whole time worrying about it! I was free to be me!
So what did i learn?! I learnt that: But that once that thing we fear comes to us, we see the fear for what it is and learn the truth about what is happening to us in the situation. I believe that i was so scared of something happening to this guitar that I actually brought this situation of the guitar being smashed to myself /the guitar through my own worry. Then, once my worse nightmare was in front of my eyes, I saw that it wasn’t actually so bad after all. In fact, like so many ‘bad’ things that happen, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
When I get back to England. I will get this guitar fixed. And i will love it even more as I can be free to share it and take it wherever i want without worrying what will happen to it. All things can always be sorted out; even blessed guitars. And now that it has its own war wounds from life, like we all do, I will love it all the more.
Whilst being in India, I have now got myself a new guitar. It does the job and is fine being travelled around the country in all sorts of transport, weathers and situations! Here I am with her – yet to be named! Any ideas?
- Where do you need to give up on worrying about what might happen?
- What are you holding onto too tightly that you feel your life would implode if your lost it or damaged it?
Loosen that grip and look deeper – there is beautiful learning in there for you and a path to more freedom of your self.
If this message has struck a cord with you and you would like to have a session to clear out some of your worries, then get in touch with me. I specialise in helping you to clear out the fears and blocks you have inside so that you can live life with more flow, happiness and fun. And in business, this equates to more clients and cash.
Contact me today to see how we can best work together:
Sending love and sunbeams to you all always xx
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